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SJHH ... / Health Services/ Kidney & Urinary Services/ Learn Do Live/ Live Well With Diabetes/ Care for your feet


Live Well with Diabetes

Care For Your Feet

For people with diabetes, foot health is extremely important in preventing complications. Having high blood sugar levels over time can harm the nerves that go to the arms, hands, legs, and feet. This is called neuropathy. Neuropathy can make it harder to feel a foot injury, such as a blister or cut, and also can take longer for these injuries to heal. If the injury isn’t taken care of, it can become infected and might lead to more serious damage. This is why foot care is so important if you have diabetes. Click the links below to learn more about keeping your feet healthy.

Below, are some resources created or approved by St. Joes to help you keep your feet healthy.

Information Sheets

Interactive Tools

Community Resources

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