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Approximately 21% of the working population in Canada currently experience mental health problems that can affect their productivity and among this group, healthcare workers fall into a high risk group.

St. Joe’s employees have a unique opportunity to participate in a study that will help determine the best ways for peers to identify and support others with mental illness in the workplace.

As part of a research study, McMaster University is asking St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton and Hamilton Health Sciences employees to consider participating in training to compare two educational approaches to improve how mental health issues are identified and responded to in the workplace. Dr. Peter Bieling is the St. Joe’s based investigator for this study.

This study that is funded through the Ontario Mental Health Foundation (2014-2016) and will focus on early intervention, long-term outcomes, mental health literacy, attitudes towards coworkers with mental health issues, and attitudes towards professional treatment.

The study itself will explore two different approaches to increasing awareness of how to identity and respond to mental health issues in the workplace by providing a two day literacy program in mental health first aid, as well as a six-session dialogue and discussion lead by a trained peer educator.

We know that the stigma associated with mental health problems can also prevent people from seeking help when they need it. The goal of this research study is to recruit 200 employees over the next two years.  Participants will be randomly assigned to one of the two educational approaches and track changes in knowledge, beliefs and behaviours.  Participation of this study will be outside of working hours at McMaster Innovation Park.

Participants must be able to attend one or both sessions:

Mental Health First Aid Session
Friday February 27th and Friday March 6th from 9am to 3pm at McMaster Innovation Park


Beyond Silence Program (6 Sessions and Online Component)
Wednesday January 6th to Wednesday March 25th  - Every other Wednesday skipping March 18th – from 5:30 to 7:30pm at McMaster Innovation Park

To learn more about participating in the study, please contact: Janet Glancy T. 905.745.9049 E. 

View the poster here


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