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St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton is proud to announce the opening of The Family Resource Centre, a needed resource to help comfort and inform families and friends of individuals with lived experience of mental illness or addiction. Visitors to the Centre will be able to access literature and information about mental health, community resources, family recovery and self-care. There is also a quiet space for one-to-one peer support sessions.

"Kathy was the type of mother I wanted to be. She possesses a sensitivity, warmth and intelligence I deeply admire," says Nancy. Kathy adds, "I was attracted to Nancy's willingness to give of herself, her fun competiveness with running and sense of humour."

When Kathy was diagnosed with clinical depression several years ago Nancy was there to support her at her bedside and during occasional Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) appointments. However, she didn't have the resources or support that could have helped them both.  Nancy explains, "The depression worsened and more measures were necessary. I began to be conflicted with feelings of worry, frustration, anger and guilt. It's difficult to explain the feelings of helplessness one has when you love someone with mental illness. So many other emotions are wrapped up in that and 'Dr. Google' wasn't helping to the extent that I needed. If I had something like the Family Resource Centre at my disposal, I would have absolutely used it."

"Visitor's will be welcomed at the Family Resource Centre by a knowledgeable and compassionate volunteer who has lived experience as a family member of person(s) with a mental health/addiction issues," says Fiona Wilson, Manager of Patient and Family Collaborative Support Program at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton. "When you're seeking support in an unknown territory, connecting with someone who can relate to what you're experiencing is so important."

Nancy's experience is not unique. In fact, The Canadian Mental health Association says that those who support patients experiencing mental illness are at-risk for poor health themselves as they may experience anxiety, stress, shame, and self-blame.

"I feel it's important to share my story of friendship with Nancy. People need to understand what the individual is going through, but to also have as deep an understanding of how that experience is affecting them. The Family Resource Centre will help so many who need it." Kathy adds, "I'm grateful for the care I received at St. Joe's and am heartened to know that my family and friends will receive support as well. I know it's hard and often frustrating for some to understand mental illness but now there's a place they can go."      

"The Family Resource Centre has been made possible because generous donors – who are supporting a loved one with a mental illness or addiction – recognized the need for such an important and unique service for families," says Sera Filice-Armenio, President and CEO, St. Joseph's Healthcare Foundation. "By supporting families, and our community as a whole, they are bringing hope to countless others."

Learn more about the Family Resource Centre by visiting

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