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SJHH / Courage, Care and Compassion Amidst COVID-19: Marking One Year


Courage, Care and Compassion Amidst COVID-19: Marking One Year #WeAreStJoes

While the pandemic is not over, it’s important to mark this point in time, reflect on the past year, and remember we are all in this together. 

Over the next week, we will be sharing the stories of our healthcare workers, patients and families and thanking our community for supporting us during the pandemic as part of a campaign we are calling “Courage, Care and Compassion Amidst COVID-19: Marking One Year.”

Watch the stories below of our healthcare workers:

Watch the stories below thanking our community:


Watch the stories below of our Research team:

Watch the stories below on behalf of our patients and families:

Watch the stories below on innovation:

Reflecting On One Year

St. Joe's staff were asked, “What have you learned about yourself and your team during the past year of the pandemic?

Scroll below to read their reflections: