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SJHH ... / Kidney & Urinary Services/ Learn Do Live/ Live Well With Diabetes/ Eat Well/ Information Sheets


Eat Well

Information Sheets

Making Healthy Choices
Eating healthy, well-balanced meals and snacks is one of the best things you can do for your body. The links below provide general tips on healthy eating.

Eating Well with Diabetes
When you have diabetes, healthy eating is an important part of managing your disease. The links below give information on how to plan your meals and what foods are best for helping to keep your blood sugar in a healthy range.

Eating Well with Kidney Disease
For people with kidney disease, there are specific recommendations for the food, water, and vitamins/nutrients you consume. The links below can help you think about the best food choices for your needs.

Eating Well for your Heart
Heart healthy eating is an important part of any healthy lifestyle. These links can help you protect your heart by choosing healthy foods.


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