Cindy Urech was waiting for her dad to have an operation at St. Joe's Charlton Campus when she heard a "wonderful" musician playing piano in the lobby. The music helped take the edge off a tense situation for her family. A musician herself, she realized she could help other patients and families the same way.  

Cindy and her husband Steve have now been music volunteers at St. Joe's for the past seven years and play every Saturday in the Charlton main lobby. Read on to learn more about Cindy and Steve's roles as music volunteers. Interested in becoming a music volunteer yourself? Visit to apply!

How would you describe what you do as a music volunteer?

Music volunteers create a calm and relaxing atmosphere, and help ease the tension and worry someone may be feeling.

We help people remember the good times when they were young.

How do you think music volunteers impact patients, staff and visitors at St. Joe's?

We try to create an enjoyable atmosphere to help people through their day.

Hopefully, the songs we do are comforting and help people relax and enjoy the lobby.

 What is your favourite part about volunteering?

I like seeing people enjoying the music, smiling, tapping their feet and moving to the music, especially the little ones.

My favourite part is seeing the smiles on people's faces.

How long have you been married? Why do you choose to volunteer together?

Steve and I have been married since the Stone Age. We work together well.

We've been married 47 years. We always like playing music together and when we retired we had more time to work together on songs.

What type of music do you play when you are volunteering and why?

We play upbeat tunes, mostly smooth jazz and light rock, including songs by Elvis, the Everly Brothers, Roy Orbison, The Beatles and Bob Marley.

We play songs that people can remember hearing when they were young; songs they may not have heard for years, and hearing the old song brings back a nice warm feeling.

What is your background as a musician?

I have many years of experience playing jazz, rock and spiritual music, both individually and in groups.

I started as a teenager in the sixties and I've played with bands as my main hobby since then.

What instrument(s) do you play?

I play guitar and sing.

I play the double bass and sing.

What are three words you would use to describe yourself?

Elvis Presley Fan

Tall, skinny and respectful (of others)

Do you have a go-to coffee or tea order?

Coffee with milk and sugar to keep me going.

We do get a coffee at Tim Hortons before we play.

When given a chance we believe that everyone, even you, can brighten someone's day and shine as a volunteer at St. Joe's! Join us by visiting