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Apr 13, 2016

St. Joe's volunteer Karen B. is forever grateful

We’re celebrating National Volunteer Week at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton!

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Apr 13, 2016

St. Joe's 2015 Volunteer Landscape and Highlights

St. Joe's 2015 Volunteer Landscape and Highlights Infographic

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Apr 12, 2016

Kathie M. A volunteer with “St. Joe’s spirit”

Kathie Machida is one of close to 700 individuals who volunteer with St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton.

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Apr 11, 2016

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton Celebrates National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week, April 10th – 16th, is an annual event that celebrates the contributions of the millions of volunteers across Canada. 

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Apr 4, 2016

St. Joseph's Psychiatrist becomes the first Canadian to cross Cook Strait

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton Psychiatrist Dr. Marilyn Korzekwa became the oldest woman – and first Canadian – to swim across the Cook Strait at 58 years of age.

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Mar 31, 2016

Thank You! St. Joe’s staff changes 853 lives with United Way Burlington & Greater Hamilton

A special thank you was received from United Way Burlington & Greater Hamilton after they calculated the final numbers for the 2015 United Way campaign. St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, CUPE 786 and its employees raised a total of $35,377.95 which will help change the lives of 853 people.

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