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SJHH / Patients & Visitors/ Spiritual Care/ Contact & Referral

Contact & Referral

Contact Us

Hospital Switchboard - 905-522-1155

Spiritual Care Office Hours

The office is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

An On-Call Spiritual Care Staff Person is available 24/7 – please dial 905-522-1155 Ext. 33311 to page the Spiritual Care Staff Member On-Call.

After-Hours Spiritual Care Support (5 p.m. - 9 a.m.)

Support for Patients:

During the pandemic, the on-call chaplains will respond to requests to come into the hospital for persons who are immanently dying.  The chaplain will ascertain whether this care can be offered to a family member, if present, over the phone.  If not, the chaplain will come into the hospital to provide this care observing all safety practices that are required.

Support for Staff/Physicians:

The On-Call Chaplain will be available to support staff who wish to access this support over the phone.  Staff are encouraged to contact Switchboard and ask to speak with the On-Call Chaplain.

As well, the On-Call Chaplain will proactively call the COVID designated areas of the hospital each evening to check in and inquire if there may be a staff member/s who may wish to receive emotional/spiritual support via phone.  If not, this call will be a reminder of the resource Spiritual Care is for them during their shift, if desired. 

Each of our chaplains are Registered Psychotherapists and bring significant skills and experience in the area of grief, loss and crisis support.  They are available to offer this support to staff who may be feeling overwhelmed and/or morally and spiritually distressed as they work tirelessly in their efforts to provide care during this time.

Members of the Spiritual Care Team

Director (interim):

Keith MetCalfe Ext. 33264 |


Fr. Andrew Lopatniuk Ext. 36354 |


Amna Butt Ext. 32765 | 

Lucinda Landau Ext. 33253 |

Alex Ross Ext. 39664 |

Spiritual Care Educators:

Elaine Nagy Ext. 34134 | 

Danielle Slump Ext. 32857 |

Bob Tees Ext. 35118

Administrative Support:

Sam Samneang Ext. 33263 |

Campus Specific Information

For information regarding Spiritual Care at each of our three campus locations, please click on the appropriate link below:

Charlton Campus

King Campus

We ask that you do not bring any valuables with you as the hospital cannot be responsible for lost or stolen personal items. 

Referral Process

Direct referral may be made to the spiritual care provider/chaplain assigned to a particular patient care area.

In the event of an emergency, if unable to contact the unit’s assigned Spiritual Care Provider, please contact the Switchboard at ext. 33311 to page the on-call chaplain.

You may also contact the Spiritual Care Department Administrative Office at 905-522-1155, ext. 33263, or go to Level 1, Bishop Dowling Wing D-127; open weekdays 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.