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SJHH / Health Services/ Surgical Services/ Day Surgery Unit

Day Surgery Unit

What this program does…

The Day Surgery Unit is where most patients scheduled for elective surgery will begin their surgical journey. Our doors open at 6am Monday to Friday. We are closed on statutory holidays and weekends.

The Pre Op clinic staff would have given you instructions of when to arrive in Day Surgery. Usually it is about 2 hours prior to your scheduled surgical time. When you arrive your first stop will be at the registration desk where staff will check you in and notify the day surgery healthcare team that you have arrived for your surgery. Day Surgery staff will take you into the department and assist you in getting ready for the operating room.

You may have an intravenous or IV started. Any questions you have will be answered. When you are ready a family member can come and stay with you.

How this program helps...

Patients going home following their surgery as well as patients staying overnight in the hospital following their surgery are admitted through day surgery.

Night Before Surgery

Follow the instructions you were given by your Doctor or nurse but generally you should not eat or drink after midnight, unless advised otherwise.

On the Day of Your Surgery

Please do not take oral medications on the day of your surgery unless otherwise instructed by your physician or nurse. A sip of water can be taken if you were told to take pills orally.

Please bring any medications you take on a daily basis with you.

Do not use cosmetics, nail polish, fragrances, creams or deodorants before coming to the hospital – you may bath or shower as usual.

Leave all valuables, including jewelry and credit cards at home. You may bring a small amount of cash for incidental expenses e.g. parking, phone calls.

Bring your Ontario Health Card.

Day Surgery Patients

You will be observed after your surgery to make sure the initial effects of anesthesia have worn off. On rare occasions you may have to be admitted to the hospital.

You will not be permitted to drive a car after your procedure. Please arrange for someone to drive you home. Bring a contact phone number so we can call to arrange your discharge.

It is strongly recommended that you are either accompanied home from the hospital and/or are met at home by someone. You must also make arrangements to have someone stay overnight.

Under no circumstances are you allowed to travel home by public transportation.

You are strongly advised not to attempt to perform any task that requires skill, coordination or judgment for 24 hours after your anesthetic. (e.g. drive a car or operate machinery).

Patients staying overnight following surgery

Ask your family to bring in your personal items, such as gown, slippers, toothpaste etc. after your surgery, once you have been assigned to a bed.

We ask that you do not bring any valuables with you as the hospital cannot be responsible for lost or stolen personal items. 


For questions or concerns, please call 905-522-1155 ext. 33830 Monday to Friday 7:00am to 3:00pm

Resources and Forms

Getting Ready for Surgery
Patient Questionnaire (Part 1)
Patient Questionnaire (Part 2)
Pre-Op Registration Form (Part 1)
Pre-Op Registration Form (Part 2)
Pre-Op Registration Form (Part 3)
Pre-Op Registration Form (Part 4)